Thursday, April 16, 2009

Downsizing – Part One

I've done it before, this thing called 'downsizing' of my possessions. It was 1998, I was recently divorced and living in SF as a single mom. I couldn't find full-time work in The City but heard through co-workers that there was an opening in their Seattle office.

I was offered the job and it was freeing to get rid of most everything that owned me in anticipation of our move. Freeing was definitely what it felt like when I considered moving.

What size moving van would we need, there were steps to move from so should I hire movers (Delancey Street Movers are amazing!), what size apartment will we need to move to and in what neighborhood to keep it all safe. Those answers would severely limit our choices of livable spaces simply because of what we owned, and trust me, I've never enjoyed limits very much.

Well, I gave away cherished items to friends who had admired them, sold things at a yard sale or gave them to charity. We left California with only the smallest enclosed trailer that held an antique birdseye maple armoire, some clothes, books, toys, 2 bikes and a few basic living items.

If it didn't fit in the trailer then it couldn't come with us.
It's a wonderful feeling that I look forward to again…

If it doesn’t fit into this tiny new cottage, then it won’t come with us.


  1. Hi Arlene - I just want to say thanks for blogging about your experience. I have been doing my own research about building a tiny house, and will likely get started this summer. Your attention to detail and handy tips will really help others like you be able to go forward with a few less surprises in the process. I can't wait to see how you progress!
    - Natalie (Portland, OR)

  2. Hi Natalie!
    Thank you for the comment. Let us know if you have any questions.

    And sorry it took so long to respond. We're still figuring out the comments feature.

  3. Natalie,

    Congratulations on your plans to start building this summer!

    I agree that there was a lot of research to be done before even buying any construction plans because neither one of us has ever built a house before. I'll be posting a list of books that I found most helpful in a couple of weeks.

    If you have any questions about why we are doing something a certain way, or have chosen a specific product, don't hesitate to ask. We're happy to answer.



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